Experience the Timeless Wisdom of Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
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A look at the energetic environment of 2020, addressing important astrological influences for the year, the decade, and beyond. Master's take on astrological influences is both interesting and thought provoking, and his insights offer support as humanity moves forward into a new, 200-year cycle.
New Age Collection
A brief compendium that could be expanded into several teachings, which presents a range of knowledge for developing spiritual skillfulness in daily activities, as well as to facilitate greater inner awareness and consciousness expansion. It contains valuable instruction for all levels of spiritual awakening, including the beginner’s mind, as well as offering potent edification for the mature spiritual aspirant.
Monthly Teaching for June 2017
A world out of balance. The importance of seeing all the elements coming into balance: earth, air, water, fire.
Monthly Teaching for March 2011
An exploration of karma that focuses on movement of the mind. Mind practice in awakening that can diminish results of karmic influences from prior lives and help avoid incurring future karma.
Monthly Teaching for October 2003
The patriarchal mentality engineered to gain control and dominate weaker segments of society (and the feminine) has to die.
Monthly Teaching for March 2014
Master’s teaching March 3, 2019.
A profound teaching on the Prajnaparamita that focuses on the first paramita, generosity, and offers potent instructions for cultivating both a generous heart and mind.
Encouragement to dream the Golden Age, which could emerge beginning in 2017 with the return of the Great Teachers.
Monthly Teaching for May 2014 and Recommended Teaching for March 2024.
A fascinating talk on consciously using chronos (linear time) and kairos (non-linear time) as creative forces in our evolution. They offer strikingly different experiences and realities. Chronos increases stress by fostering an ever-increasing sense of urgency. Kairos frees us from the constricted flow of chronos.
Monthly Teaching for December 2017
Recommended Teaching of the Month December 2020
This lesson shows the importance of regularly reviewing one's life — at the end of each day, each week, each month, and at close of every year.
Monthly Teaching for February 2006
Speaks to the dysfunctional masculine force afflicting the planet and the need to change the balance between masculine and feminine energy to transform the planet.
Monthly Teaching for February 2009
A teaching on energetic shifts made in clearing the chakras of patriarchal energy. Admonition to see oneself as agent of change on individual and collective levels.
Monthly Teaching for August 2013
End of year Teaching as Earth is about to cross the astrological threshold that leads to a new planetary cycle.
Monthly Teaching for December 2012
When we rise up to become the leader these profound times call for in healing Earth, we will reveal our brilliance.
Monthly Teaching for August 2007
The spiritual imperative of cutting through fear and attaining fearlessness. Projections, fear of death and life, stabilizing the mind.
Monthly Teaching for September 2011 and Recommended Teaching for June 2024.
In times of chaotic energy, preparing for change is an opportunity to serve. Chaos, positive disintegration, change, and gift of a pagoda.
Monthly Teaching for June 2010
Recommended Teaching of the Month October 2021
Raise commitment level for enlightenment to 100 percent. Envision world driven by commitment rather than greed & lust for power.
Monthly Teaching for June 2007
A call to engage creative mind to manifest the best life possible in this New Year.
Monthly Teaching for January 2005
Lesson on generating confidence in the Path rather than taking refuge in the illusions of conventional reality.
Monthly Teaching for July 2003
Feminine values and Earth; karma and Earth; Universe and Earth. Journey of consciousness, human and global. Enlightenment/endarkenment paradox; involution and evolution.
Monthly Teaching for August 2010
Recommended Monthly Teaching June 2022
The seasonal equinoxes are a time when the planet amplifies the opportunity for individuals, communities, and countries to come into better balance. To achieve greater balance avoid Projecting Mind and Developing Mind, and focus instead on Observing Mind. When balanced, we take things less personally, we have more energy and we are more interested in others. Staying in balance today is more difficult than in previous times because people now are less connected with nature. Achieving greater balance reduces suffering, deepens compassion, improves one's effectiveness in life, and leads to spiritual community.
Recorded on September 14, 2001
By seeing through the eyes of the Divine, one can truly appreciate one's beautiful, precious life.
Monthly Teaching for May 2006
Lesson on the profuseness of suffering. Depression is very widespread today. Liberating the mind means going free of depression.
Monthly Teaching for October 2005
A contemplation on the personal spiritual legacy one leaves for planet Earth.
Monthly Teaching for July 2011 and Recommended Monthly Teaching for July 2023.
A recounting of world-wide violence and conflict, and an admonition to rethink old patterns at the beginning of a New Age.
Monthly Teaching for September 2014 and Recommended Monthly Teaching for August 2023.
Aspirants are urged to dedicate the entire month to gratitude. Gives examples of opportunities and wonders of lives for which to be thankful.
Monthly Teaching for November 2010
Karma yoga: karma means action; taking action is important.
Monthly Teaching for November 2005
After observation of confusion and chaos throughout the world, DK offers Naropa's 12 visions as a guide to balance and fluidity.
Monthly Teaching for May 2010
Hold deep compassion for what it is to be human at this time on Earth. Bodhichitta and dedication to ending suffering is exceedingly important now.
Monthly Teaching for May 2015
An Evening with the Tibetan teaching recorded on March 30, 2011. This is the first lecture given in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the new Center. This teaching includes the meditation to increase the spiritual light in your body.
Master’s expression of his great love for us as He calls us to partner with him.
Monthly Teaching for October 2014
Recommended Teaching of the Month for September 2020
A sequel to the “Daily Meditations,” this subsequent meditation is offered to take spiritual aspirants deeper into their work during sleep. This is a special meditation, designed to bypass the conscious mind altogether, and access the creative subconscious mind directly. Used regularly and over time, the benefits can be profound. Warning: This meditation will change your life!
Recorded on September 12, 2008
An overview of the Piscean Age, a preview of the Aquarian Age, and a description of the journey of transformation that lies in-between.
Monthly Teaching for March 2017
Recommend Teaching of the Month August 2020
Anchoring the elements, teachings, and transformation-inducing practices and offerings from the prior ages into the new energies.
Monthly Teaching for August 2014
Recommended Monthly Teaching August 2022
This meditation is designed to access the creative capabilities of the depth mind. Done on a regular basis it steeps one's field of consciousness in the creative potentiality for a shift in the planetary paradigm.
First released during the 2014 Retreat - Sacred Geometry and the Energy Body
Re-visiting the art of alchemy for the new era.
Monthly Teaching for July 2014 and Recommended Monthly Teaching for June 2023.
A discussion of the economic crisis in the world and the responsibility of every one to clean it up. The need for the Four Immeasurables.
Monthly Teaching for June 2009
Dissolving outward barriers opens spaciousness to life, the world, and fosters oneness in all areas of one's experiencing.
Monthly Teaching for November 2006
At the beginning of the year it is important to contemplate what is dying and what is being born.
Monthly Teaching for January 2008
The energy of 2012 is arriving. Observing the mind in a time of transformation is most important.
Monthly Teaching for October 2011
Enlightenment and ascension arise from the ground of one's own being. The history of the concept of ascension; levels of consciousness; divine consciousness; Buddha and the key to enlightenment.
Monthly Teaching for January 2012
Challenging the mind and noticing our projections and reactions is a rigorous process essential to the awakening experience.
Monthly Teaching for February 2012
The mystical practice of absorption or merging with the Divine.
Monthly Teaching for March 2012
Seeing through projections, illusions, and appearances.
Monthly Teaching for April 2012
Exploring the process of transforming ordinary mind into contemplative mind.
Monthly Teaching for May 2012
To awaken from trance states, one must mindfully engage a practice of daily "ascending" from lower thoughts, words, and actions.
Monthly Teaching for June 2012
The collective human heart is undergoing “a whole system transition,” movement into a new global spirituality.
Monthly Teaching for July 2012
It is time for humanity to become spiritually mature, to examine fears regarding enlightenment and ascension.
Monthly Teaching for August 2012
The astrological gate of 12/21/12 is quickly approaching and we are urged to awaken and prepare ourselves.
Monthly Teaching for September 2012
An exploration of the ascension journey by seeing deeper levels of wisdom & making deeper commitment to spiritual growth.
Monthly Teaching for October 2012
Preparation for the 12/21/12 Winter Solstice as a vehicle for purification leading to ascension.
Monthly Teaching for November 2012
Master plants the seeds for our immortality and elevated consciousness in offering purification practices for personal transformation.
Monthly Teaching for January 2013
Recommended Teaching of the Month January 2021
Addressing the commonly held fear of Cosmic Aloneness in the post-ascension state.
Monthly Teaching for March 2013
This lecture treats the potent uncertainty now spreading around the world that colors all our inner and outer experiences. Master calls us to realize the wisdom state of contentment, and shows its relevance to spiritual development in all major spiritual traditions. He even compares the realizations of St. Paul to those of the Buddha!
Monthly Teaching for August 2017
A lesson on the emotional spectrum, the apex of spiritual evolution. Question the validity of emotions until seeing through them.
Monthly Teaching for November 2003
The year 2010 is pregnant with possibilities for us and for the planet. We must begin by purification of our beings. Concrete ways to accomplish purification.
Monthly Teaching for January 2010
An Inner Exploration of the Cosmos meditation created by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul in partnership with Kathlyn Kingdon.
First introduced at the 2014 Peace Convocation and used again during the 2014 October Retreat in Breckenridge. A great meditation for taking your consciousness into the silence of Divine Being.
Tools to live an impeccable life. How we must discover the incongruencies between our actions, words, thoughts, and core values.
Monthly Teaching for July 2009
Discussion of economic status; inflation/deflation; invitation to see through illusions and discover the emptiness in everything.
Monthly Teaching for August 2009
Discussion of basis of all spiritual paths: the via negativa and the via positiva.
Monthly Teaching for June 2011
Critical look at afflictive mind states and Buddha's "enslavement to the mind" notion; compulsive attachment to mind's content; inner peace through "taming" mind.
Monthly Teaching for April 2016 and Recommended Monthly Teaching for October 2023.
A tantric Diety Yoga Guided Meditation practice with complete instruction as to what each step of the practice means. This month's featured meditation is offered at a discounted rate for a limited time of only $9.99 for the MP3 version.
Monthly Teaching for June 2003
Purification through breathing practices; pranayama in various forms.
Monthly Teaching for April 2013
Teleconference lecture on the mind influenced by the stresses of the current times and learning inner malleability
Recorded on May 21, 2007.
The new energies of 2007 have arrived. Thus it is important to release the old and be open to new possibilities and potentialities.
Monthly Teaching for February 2007
Dissolving fear projections as path to peace; releasing fixation on simple answers for complex questions; awakening from trance of planetary insufficiency and scarcity.
Monthly Teaching for March 2016 and Recommended Teaching for December 2023.
A strategy for assisting Earth in the planetary journey of transformation. Blessing equals holding a field of love and bodhichitta.
Monthly Teaching for January 2007
Drawing upon the prior two lessons, this teaching treats a deeper level of both and artfully culminates in revealing some compelling analogies between quantum mechanics (the new science) and spiritual awakening.
Monthly Teaching for March 2019
Recommended Teaching of the Month June 2020
A brief teaching on the archetypal power of Britain’s Dark and Light Goddess being played out through the powerful force of the collective unconscious. A short, but “must read” for feminine empowerment.
The power of shared thought-forms and the nature of thought; delusion and the nature of suffering; moving individual and collective mind toward Buddha mind.
Monthly Teaching for June 2016
The "Burning Karma" series is a 10-CD collection of transformative meditations created to aid students in cutting through emotional distortions that block, or retard, personal transformation. With each meditation, an introduction to the specific area the meditation addresses is provided. This is a step-by-step process to break through karmic patterns. Great for the highly motivated individual, as well as for group work.
Recorded June 26, 2005
These meditations differ from standard chakra meditations in that they are mini-studies in the wholesome personal care and maintenance of the energy body. Designed for use in an alpha state, rather than a beta state, they are unique in that they work through joining the creative forces of the conscious mind to achieve the goal of total energy integration and equipoise.
Used on a regular basis, these alchemical practices will aid the student in accomplishing four goals:
- stabilizing the energies of the chakras;
- chakra healing and repair;
- elevating the vibrational frequency of each chakra; and
- maintaining a healthy energy body in the Aquarian Age.
Contains 8 meditations. Root Chakra Meditation, Sacral Chakra Meditation, Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation, Heart Chakra Meditation, Throat Chakra Meditation, Third Eye Chakra Meditation, Crown Chakra Meditation, and Transcendent Energy Body Meditation.
Recorded for the 2013 Rocky Mountain Esoteric School Class entitled Recreating the Energy Body I
One is happy when one is loving. The way of love means learning neutrality, freeing the mind, supreme equilibrium, compassion, ultimate Bodhichitta, and wisdom. Included in Master's Suggested Listening List for "Journey from Head to Heart" retreat.
Monthly Teaching for December 2005
This meditation guides one to discovers that true contentment is accessible by releasing self-judgment and simply accepting the present moment just as it is. Through contentment practice, one can enter deep peace.
Move from the perception of lack to spaciousness. True generosity transcends ego. Learn generosity from nature.
Monthly Teaching for July 2005
In this compelling and deeply moving discourse, Master DK speaks to the scientific and spiritual contexts of the world we’ve created, our current reality. His powerful words and energy entreat us to “wake up, stay awake,” that we may see and remember the relational model that will restore our planet to wholeness.
Recorded on January 29, 2012
An Evening with the Tibetan teaching February 15, 2012. In Part II of Cracking the Code for 2012, Master gives more details about empowering the feminine nature for both female and male humans. Learn how to practice conscious compassion.
Fearlessness is the route to piercing the veil of illusion and expressing our divinity.
Monthly Teaching for December 2009
A teaching on the awakening process, offering instructions for increasing the likelihood of receiving flashes of special insight. Addresses how to use the mind to transcend the mind.
Monthly Teaching for June 2018 and Recommended Teaching for November 2023.
Admonition to discover inner neutrality and cultivate impartiality. The 3 steps in Lo Jung Practice.
Monthly Teaching for February 2004
This three-part meditation program will take the practitioner on a journey of forgiveness and transcendence, offering gifts of deep healing and gentle peace. Recorded 2008
First part, Establishing Neutrality
Second part, Finding the Gift
Third part, Appreciating the Gift
This meditation practiced is discussed in more detail in the teaching, The Heart of the Matter
This four-CD collection was part of Living a Devotional Life, a spiritual retreat from 2008. Offering the opportunity to enter a devotional state twice per day, the morning and midday meditations aid in centering the mind, maintaining spiritual focus throughout the day, and help deepen devotional intent. The CD entitled “Night Work” offers an opportunity to do some profound work in the alpha state, or during sleep.
Fear of the unknown brings terror due to lack of control, and shuts down our ability to learn new things. Control is in knowing ourselves.
Recorded February 6, 2006
A potent teaching on impermanence and death, this lecture is both informative and inspiring. It reminds us of the transient nature of everything -- even our own mortality.
Monthly Teaching for May 2017
Back to basics is the approach Master takes to deliver a refocused look at compassion as a spiritual practice. He shares a personal experience from a monk life in which His heart was opened while he listened to a meaningful teaching.
Monthly Teaching for March 2015
Recommended Teaching for December 2024
A Teaching on how the amplification of Aquarian energy is causing cleansing, purification and transformation.
Monthly Teaching for February 2015
Teleconference lecture on depression and why it so often occurs around the end-of-year holidays.
Recorded on November 24, 2008
Desire is the basis of ego mind and root of all suffering. When freed from desire, one finds peace and the possiility of enlightenment.
Monthly Teaching for August 2006
Human activity affects Earth, and Her sensitivities to events on her surface. Article: "The Fate of the Yeast People," notes our “moronic” culture.
Monthly Teaching for April 2010
From Journey From the Head to the Heart 2012 retreat, each of the eight meditations in this CD set has a different focus and guides the listener to a deeper relationship with a spiritual teacher. Meditations are included for Ascended Masters Jesus, Hilarion, Kuhtumi, Saint Germain, Serapis Bey, Quan Yin, El Moya and Mother Mary.
This teaching that challenges us to grasp the vastest perspective possible of the cosmos, Earth, and our remarkable role in the spiritual development of both.
Monthly Teaching for January 2019
A sequel to Embodying a New Spiritual Paradigm (January, 2019), this teaching treats the emergence of galaxies within the development of the Universe, and focuses upon the sun as both teacher and role model for humans.
Monthly Teaching for February 2019Discusses an additional four "perfections" to prajnaparamita; stresses wisdom and group experience of enlightenment.
Monthly Teaching for August 2005
As abiding peace can only come from within the self, so genuine reconciliation is only possible from within. While our hearts long for harmonious interactions, all too often our minds move to judge or criticize. With a world full of reactive egos, it is gravely important that spiritual aspirants train their minds to be at peace with themselves, the world, and the Divine. This meditation CD, used regularly, will restore your faith in goodness and wonder!
Recorded on September 10, 2008
Rich review of turbulent 2016, moving into exploration of how the mind generates suffering, and keeps one chained to the illusion of physical life.
Monthly Teaching for December 2016
Discusses the role of hypnotic trances in generating and sustaining the suffering each person experiences.
Monthly Teaching for June 2006
Discussion about the lessons of 2007 and the coming year. Enter 2008 desiring your healing and your enlightenment. Recognize this may be the year that you will allow yourself to step into your Buddha shoes completely.
Recorded December 31, 2007.
Enlightenment is an accident, and meditation makes one accident-prone. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.
Monthly Teaching for April 2015
Recommended Teaching of the Month July 2020
This is a powerful teaching on elevating the mundane level of being into full alignment with the Soul’s purposes. In so doing, we can realize the “mind” of the Soul as we strive to embody the Ideal.
Recommended Teaching of the Month October 2020
Six Teachings on working with the mind!
A compendium text to Master’s book, The Matter of Mind, this text opens the door to awakening by exploring the many faces of the ego and learning to skillfully convert problems into opportunities. While this shorter text can certainly stand alone, those seeking to distill the deeper essence of The Matter of Mind will surely find this little book a “must read.”
Table of Contents
Part I
“Where’s the War” (Darshan Talk, 2022)
“Where’s the War” (Monthly Teaching, 1999)
Part II
“Who’s in Control?” (Darshan Talk, 2022)
Introduction to 2006 Teaching 37
“Minding the Mind” (Monthly Teaching, 2006)
Part III
“The Great Escape” (Darshan Talk, 2022)
“The Great Escape” (Monthly Teaching, 2003)
A light-hearted teaching on observing the mind and working with it from a point of wisdom rather than emotional reactivity. Uses the visual imagery of an inner monastery with many monks, each representing a particular mental state.
Recommended Monthly Teaching July 2022
When the mind’s projections are dissolved, one may see things as they are rather than how they appear. Essence sparkles through.
Monthly Teaching for April 2004
People of all ages can benefit from hearing this classic message. It includes a meditation for remembering Earth and each other from our connection to 'goddedness'.
Re-release of a Teaching Recorded in Boston on March 8, 1989
This teaching was recorded as it was delivered to a live audience in 1987. Master gives an indication of how the right and left sides of the brain will evolve as clear feminine and masculine energies evolve. Keywords used in the discussion for feminine energy include; the void, darkness, receptive.
Recorded on June 4, 1987
A look at the power of space/spaciousness as it speaks to both enlightenment and the process of becoming enlightened. Offers a new perspective on negotiating our relationships and the many internal spaces we experience.
Recommended Monthly Teaching March 2022
Cutting through illusion of money; understanding importance of karma; finding balance in how one perceives things.
Monthly Teaching for November 2009
Generating gratitude even in difficult times.
Monthly Teaching for November 2011
"Middle way" philosophy in politics and all aspects of life; balancing heart wisdom and head knowledge; call to practice non-contention; realization of middle way.
Monthly Teaching for May 2016
Jesus’ mission to inspire humanity so they might discover their Divinity and embody Christ Consciousness.
Monthly Teaching for December 2014
Recommended Monthly Teaching January 2022
Seeing through emotions is key to cutting through illusion; life mission equals mastering emotions; present moment is time of enlightenment.
Monthly Teaching for March 2003.
The Aquarian age holds the possibility of an awakening Noosphere. What does this mean for the individual mind?
Monthly Treaching for July 2013
A teaching on the empty nature of all phenomena, it also provides guidance in discerning conventional reality from ultimate reality. It contrasts the ever-changing continuum of material phenomena with the endless continuum of consciousness, and draws upon both in grappling with the notion of an independent, self-sustaining self.
Monthly Teaching for July 2018.
A tribute to the 2017 return of Buddha Consciousness to Earth, this teaching offers numerous gems of wisdom for the spiritual aspirant on the transforming power of generosity. It features touching stories about the Buddha, including one on the occasion of meeting his son, Ramula.
Recommended Monthly Teaching February 2022 and April 2023.
This teaching explores the inner forces that foster and support the arising of a truly generous nature. Healthy, compassionate motivation is the basis for all spiritual growth, and turns out to be an act of pristine generosity
Recommended Monthly Teaching for February 2020
Amidst the raging Gulf oil spil, Earth needs support, love and action on her behalf. Planetary karma and personal responsibility.
Monthly Teaching for July 2010
A treatise on the transformative power of a grateful heart, this teaching is sure to inspire as well as educate and motivate. It is essentially a road map to the personal mastery that can be realized through embodying authentic gratitude and generating radiant cheerfulness.
Monthly Teaching for November 2018
Recommended Monthly Teaching November 2022
This teaching discusses the need to balance feminine and masculine sides. Discussion about how to do this through a story about "Healing the Fisher King." Once the ego/ruler is healed it can parent the Divine Spark.
Fourth teaching in a series of four teleconferences in preparation for Winter Solstice 2012.
Recorded on December 16, 2012
Practices for increasing mindfulness and bodhichitta. Principles for a spiritual practice. Motivation and dedication.
Monthly Teaching for March 2008
By watching one's thoughts and changing them to raise compassion, one may release suffering through highly engaged neutrality.
Monthly Teaching for November 2004
Master Djwhal Khul addresses how the holiday season is typically celebrated in the West and suggests a new approach.
Recorded on October 18, 2009
Teleconference lecture on the force of karma in electing leaders.
Recorded on February 4, 2008
A remarkable teaching on death, evolution, and realizing the Divine in the Aquarian Age, as well as a striking tribute to the life and work of Paramahansa Yogananda.
Noticing resistance, or where one is inwardly at war, can facilitate in reducing the fear that mirrors collective consciousness.
Monthly Teaching for September 2006
This teaching contains a meditation to balance the elemental forces in your own body and for the Planet.
Recorded on July 13, 2011
We are about to awaken from the illusion that we have been plugged into, which will precipitate a “rabbit hole” experience.
Monthly Teaching for October 2013
Recommended Teaching of the Month November 2021
An Evening with the Tibetan teaching January 11, 2012. Teaching explores the limits of conceptual mind and the potential for other ways of learning.
Admonition to become a field of compassion. This is the spiritual journey that leads to a state of being fully conscious.
Monthly Teaching for August 2004
Pure Land is state of awareness that is pure, free of all projections; empty mind is free of projections; Prajnaparamita practice.
Recorded January 1, 2003
When observing another, one sees their karma rather than the person. Need to learn to see from more than one's karmic projections.
Monthly Teaching for March 2004
The sense of lack in global perceptions of recession; how to tap the motivation needed to uphold commitments; contrast between ego and Essence minds.
This teaching mentions a prior one titled, Refreshing an Old Commitment from 1986
Monthly Lesson for October 2009
A teaching on the process of opening to Cosmic Consciousness in which spiritual illumination is clearly described and the steps consciousness undergoes in the process are explained. Further, the respective roles played in this process by analytical mind and contemplative mind are revealed, as well.
Monthly Teaching for May 2019 and Recommended Teaching for February 2024
Repeating patterns of past ages have narrowed collective consciousness and must now be exposed and re-evaluated if the Aquarian Age is to be an era of peace.
Monthly Teaching for September 2015
Master’s annual lecture on year's events and some possible events for 2011, which depend on humanity. Global transformation is the game.
Monthly Teaching for December 2010
A piercing look into the mind and its reactionary habit of defaulting to the kleshas, the root of suffering and discontentment. Drawn from texts spoken by the Buddha, this lesson offers powerful insights into the mind’s inability to sustain satisfaction, as well as the shortest route to its full liberation from dukkha.
Monthly Teaching for October 2018
Recommended Teaching of the Month July 2021
Earth-bound consciousness can be transformed by supramental intervention. Throwing off mental oppression is an act of self-determination.
Monthly Teaching for July 2015
A call to revisit old problems and find new and better solutions. Must focus on changing the mentality of torture and racial injustice.
Monthly Teaching for January 2015
A remarkable teaching on reviving the dream spiritual aspirants held in the approach of 12/21/12. Also, an impressive review of the works of luminaries who foresaw the awakening of the noosphere, and an invitation to view the promise of the Aquarian Age as this very event.
Monthly Teaching for December 2019
Living a simple life vs. a simplistic life is an important step in realizing planetary healing.
Monthly Teaching for November 2007
This teaching addresses the issues of impoverishment, lack, and insufficiency, driving home the potent lesson that all these arise as attributes of comparing mind.
Monthly Teaching for July 2004
An expose on the corruption that arises in the world which moves into a teaching on the corruptibility of the ego mind, which generates so much suffering. This is followed by an exploration of twelve practices shared by enlightened people from all spiritual traditions.
Monthly Teaching for July 2007
Recommended Teaching of the Month May 2020 and February 2023
All choices are either life-affirming (from love/Essence), or death-affirming (from fear/ego). Role of mind training to alleviate suffering.
Monthly Teaching for March 2006
Instructions for creating a loving relationship with the Divine.
Monthly Teaching for September 2004
A very broad teaching that weaves together seemingly disparate topics: the power and creative force of gratitude, death meditation as a vehicle for exposing ego attachments, the complete release of clinging mind, Union with the Divine, and even Sri Aurobindo’s Purna yoga. The lesson is closed with a very beautiful meditation on mystical union with the soul.
Monthly Teaching for November 2019
A new paradigm needs to be created holding the possibility of abundance without overconsumption.
Monthly Teaching for February 2014
General overview of the process of Creation expanding, and the evolutionary process now engaging Earth.
Monthly Teaching for November 2016
Class on the nature of the mind to students in Aachen, Germany.
Monthly Teaching for October 2016
This course in Mind Mastery is geared to instruct you in protecting your mind from the ravages of economic recession. Both practical and inspiring, this course will aid one in increasing abundance in all areas of life. Consciousness is a profound and amazing thing. When you “overhaul” one area of mind, it applies its new capacity to other areas as well.
Recorded September 25, 2009
Examining levels of corruption is one form of spiritual service. We must monitor thoughts at time of breaking paradigms.
Monthly Teaching for September 2007
This is a soothing reminder of what our focus should be as we enter the New Age. Practiced regularly, it will help aspirants draw the very most from the shifting energies and potentialities of the Aquarian Age
Experience the spiritual Journey from the Head to the Heart as you listen to this series of 11 different guided meditations.
Divine Purpose Meditation,
Great Heart Meditation,
Naked Awareness Meditation,
Journey Beyond the Self Meditation,
Grace and Perfection Meditation, and
Six shorter meditations for finding your natural state;
Acceptance Meditation
Releasing Wants and Needs
Releasing the Need to Know
Releasing the Self-Image
Releasing the Future
Abiding in Awareness
Over 3 hours of guided meditations are provided in this Meditations for Awakening package. Available in CD format (4 CDs) or MP3 Download
Created in 2012 and still being used by students today.
This CD set contains the two new meditations created as part of the 2013 Annual Peace Convocation, Making Peace with a New Age. These meditations are dedicated to planetary peace and healing as Earth, and all Her beings enter the Aquarian Age. May all who use these practices for the sake of quiet mind discover profound joy, inner peace and wisdom. May all beings everywhere be healed and lifted from the bondage of suffering!
An exquisite teaching in which Master artfully brings together His prior five monthly lessons of 2019. He provides new commentary, and offers critical explanations that allow a glimpse of His “big picture.” A fitting introduction to the Cosmos.
Monthly Teaching for June 2019
Distinguishing between original thought and developing thoughts. Source of mental projections and their effect on the mind. Take a tour of the internal monastery and meet all the monks vying for position and power.
Monthly Teaching for April 2006
Recommended Teaching of the Month for November 2020
Spiritual attention must move to global scenario; new reality trying to be born; historical mass trances and religious conflict; greed, hatred, and delusion.
Monthly Teaching for October 2015 and Recommended Teaching for May 2024.
Teleconference lecture on the beauty and balance of the seasons.
July 2009 Teleconference
A powerful explanation for the course planetary history has taken, viewed through a lens that recognizes potent, form-causing fields of energy that communicate continually with our subconscious minds. For those who have painfully wondered why humanity carries an underbelly of cruelty, casually causing harm to one another and injuring the environment, this is an important, if sobering, teaching.
Monthly Teaching for August 2019
A Master's overview of Energy Bodies for humans as well as for the Planet as we evolve to create the New Age. Each Chakra has a sacred Mantra and is connected to the stars that form the galaxies. The information in this book is related to the meditation set, Chakra Meditations for a New Age.
Published in 2013
Mental exercises to catch negative thoughts such as ego, karma, and doubt. The creative mind arises from subconscious, not logical mind.
Monthly Teaching for April 2008
This lesson encourages aspirants to begin the new year afresh, drop their personal stories, face each moment with full consciousness.
Monthly Teaching for February 2005
Teleconference lecture on cultivating generosity and gratitude.
Recorded on November 23, 2009
Standing as high witness. Compassion for those who pay a high price for their freedom in these times of great change. Become a planetary citizen. Seeing Earth in process without fear. Planet needs our generosity
Recorded on May 12, 2008
This is a thought-provoking teaching that calls spiritual aspirants to move beyond the confines of thinking mind and enter the field of “open awareness.” Master gives pertinent instructions for moving the placement of the mind, and reveals how both meditations in Nature and meditation on death can facilitate this important shift in consciousness.
Monthly Teaching for October 2019
The potential of 2008 and how to open to it. Plans for the year 2008, starting with the April retreat in New Mexico.
Monthly Teaching for May 2008
An encouragement to be high witness, as we hold compassion for those struggling for freedom around the world and within self.
Monthly Teaching for May 2011
Kathlyn’s seamless partnership with Master Djwhal Khul, along with her consoling resonant voice, delivers a profound and clear message. The mp3 recording of a special meditation to aid humanity at this time of chaos and transition is offered here. It uses the imagery of a five-tiered pagoda, which is an ancient feng shui tool for alleviating negative, chaotic, or destructive energy. May this meditation bless all who practice it.
Touching the stresses associated with living through a pandemic, we must avoid the temptation to regress into a shell of survivalist paranoia. Thus, we must now protect our precious minds from the kleshas of fear, anxiety, aversion, and hatred, so we may grow in grace rather than collapsing into helplessness.
Recommended Teaching of the Month April 2020
Examples and practices for creating the new beginnings at the personal, global and spiritual levels. Guidance is given to help each of us root out the internal patriarch in our consciousness and restore the Divine Feminine force in the collective human consciousness.
Monthly Teaching for September 2013
Recommended Monthly Teaching May 2022
A celebration of accomplishments during the Year of Service. Wealth and spiritually are not mutually exclusive; both require focus and dedication.
Monthly Teaching for December 2007
In ancient spiritual traditions, the power of the direct energetic transmission from Teacher to student was recognized as the single most transformative experience available to an aspirant. For many today, a private session with Master DK channeled through Kathlyn proves to be an exquisitely profound and often life altering experience.
This personal session is offered as a personal one-on-one call. You can prepare for the call by creating a list of questions you wish to discuss. This is a 45 minute audio only call. The price includes an MP3 recording of the session sent to you via e-mail.
To book a session, click the Book a Session button displayed above. This will open the booking calendar. Select one of the dates and times listed on the calendar and click the Book Session button below the calendar. The phone number format accepted by the app is +1 555 555 5555. If you receive an 'invalid phone number error message' you may need to clear your browser history and start over.
For more information on open or future dates Contact us .
Note: All times listed below are in Mountain Time. Please convert times to your local time zone. Here is a link to a time converter to calculate the time difference: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/
Standard disclaimer: By purchasing a personal session through Kathlyn you are agreeing that any guidance provided is subject to your personal interpretation and should not be construed as professional advice for medical, psychotherapeutic, financial, relationship, career or legal matters.
An amazing teaching that draws together planetary initiation via weather anomalies and human initiation through the process of death. Master gives instructions for skillfully practicing death meditation, and revealing its benefit in one’s attainment of enlightenment.
Monthly Teaching for September 2019
This teaching is a call to establish a new political system for the New Age. The lecture focuses on cutting through relative mind to discover absolute mind.
Monthly Teaching for February 2017
Recording of Master reciting both the morning and evening prayers followed by Master explaining the meaning of the prayers.
- Morning Prayers
- Evening Prayers
- Commentary on Prayers
These prayers give an on-going daily practice for students who want to consciously make the journey from head to heart.
Companion to Master Djwhal Khul's printed Prayers and Aspirations, Cultivating A Devotional Life workshop.
First in a series of 4 teleconference calls leading to 12-21-2012
September 23, 2012
RMES third teleconference lesson in the Preparation for 12-21-12 series of four classes.
Recorded November 18, 2012
A call to awaken to Oneness with Earth and all other beings in preparation for a planetary shift. Purification ceremony for the Gulf of Mexico.
Monthly Teaching for March 2010
Review of DK’s work through A. Bailey and K. Kingdon. Compares teachings He brought through them. Importance of personal and Earth purification.
Monthly Teaching for February 2010
A discussion of the differences between the Mahayana and Theravadan sect. The middle way and the Heart Sutra.
Monthly Teaching for July 2008
Instructions on seeing through the fixations of personality. Meditations for Bodhisattva training.
Monthly Teaching for September 2005
First of two teleconferences held in November 2009. Listener submitted questions are answered by Master and woven into an informative lecture.
Drawn from ancient traditional teachings, the Rainbow Light Meditation is done to prepare one for safe passage in death, or any other major life transitions. Soothing and comforting, this meditation even helps those who have difficulty falling asleep.
Recorded on February 1, 2003
Importance of rekindling inner yearning and innocent enthusiasm for spiritual teachings; the effects of worldly teachings.
Monthly Teaching for January 2017
Recommended Monthly Teaching January 2023
A masterful teaching that traces planetary history over the past 335 million years. Master uses North America as an example for demonstrating how humans can forge a deep and caring relationship with the specific continent upon which they live.
Monthly Teaching for July 2019
This is the lecture given in November of 1986 is referenced in Karmic Complications and Commitments, the Monthly Teaching for October 2009.
Facing death and recognizing the little Bardos in every moment of our lives.
Monthly Teaching for October 2008
Understanding the mind; distinguishing original mind from relative mind.
Monthly Teaching for September 2008
A predictive lecture that delves into U.S. history and reveals why the karma of the last 200 years may now be ripening.
Monthly Teaching for December 2008
A call to examine our deep spiritual motivations and attend to the flame of love burning within the heart. By tracing the journey made since 12/21/12, we can gain hindsight into what this journey between two powerful Ages is all about. We must return to our “first love,” bolster our commitment, and reignite the flame of spirit in our hearts.
Monthly Teaching for December 2018
A Q&A session with Master focused on the many changes of the current time and what is required of us.
A Q & A Session Recorded on June 15, 2011
A look at collective karma that has been building for millennia and play out all around the world. Specific focus is on human-to-human karma generated from power-over dynamics and white supremacy, as well as the negative karma humans have created in relation to Earth.
Monthly Teaching for August 2018
Karma is like a garden: all plants grow, and harvest fruits of their actions; actions continually mature into inevitable "harvests."
Monthly Teaching for June 2004
This teaching is an overview of feminine energy as presented to the students in 1990. Interesting to see how this message is so very important to humanity now, years after it was first delivered.
Recorded on September 18, 1990
This four CD set of Sanskrit empowerment mantras is designed to aid meditators who desire to change their karma, heal their bodies and minds, increase their prosperity by removing karmic obstacles to their full freedom, and attain liberation from their suffering.
Use the sacred sounds of these mantras for personal empowerment
Includes 10 different mantras:
Ganesha Chant, Traditional & Musical
Lakshmi Chant, Traditional & Musical
Durga Chant, Traditional & Musical
Kali Chant, Traditional & Musical
Saraswati Chant, Traditional & Musical
Dhanvantre Chant, Traditional & Musical
Tara Chant, Traditional & Musical
"Om Mani Padme Hum" - Traditional - Sanskrit
"Om Mani Peme Hung" - Traditional & Musical, Tibetan
Eschwari Chant, Traditional & Musical
Recorded 2007
Critical examination of the difference between fate and destiny.
Monthly Teaching for August 2011
A superlative teaching on enlightenment, this lesson pushes one into the incomprehensible zone of the Absolute. Based on the well-documented account of the Buddha’s awakening, Master nudges His students into regions clearly beyond the mind’s grasp, noting that in a flash, one can be infused with life-altering illumination.
Monthly Teaching for May 2018
Recommended Teaching of the Month September 2021
A look at the possibilities for spiritual awakening in the Aquarian Age, addressing how the process will remain consistent with the past and how it may change with the energies of a new astrological age. Also discusses the importance of group spiritual work going forward.
Recommended Teaching of the Month May 2021
Uses financial terminology to discuss enlightenment; similar to maintaining a healthy bank account.
Monthly Teaching for March 2005
Each of the 6 Perfections (generosity, self-discipline, tolerance, joyful effort, concentration, wisdom) is an asset in one’s spiritual "account."
Monthly Teaching for May 2005
Discussion of spiritual maturity; time is not linear but all-encompassing; past can be changed by creating different future from the now.
Monthly Teaching for January 2009
Admonition to cultivate deep compassion, goodness, and wisdom. The divine kingdom is within (masculine and feminine).
Monthly Teaching for May 2004
References the life and teachings of Nagarjuna in regard to cultivating enlightened mind and practicing altruistic thought in all situations.
Monthly Teaching for September 2016
Recommended Teaching of the Month February 2021
A discussion of some topics that are in the forefront of life today in the United States: the election, the economy, and the upcoming Convocation. Use the energies of this time well because this is a year for manifesting, and there will be much going on that will require avoiding negative thinking
Monthly Teaching for June 2008
Realizing the pervasiveness of misery can motivate one to uncover means to spiritual emancipation, or liberation. Suffering can open one to compassion as nothing else.
Monthly Teaching for June 2015
Recommended Teaching of the Month June 2021
The importance of keeping commitments to each other and to ourselves. A focus on the Worldly Dharmas.
Monthly Teaching for September 2009
The Earth’s bardo journey between astrological ages is coming to a close and the official entrance into the Age of Aquarius is upon us. Although humanity is still confronted with the unresolved chaos of the dying Piscean Age, there is clear evidence that the bubble of the prior paradigm has burst and the field of planetary experiencing is moving on.
Monthly Teaching for January 2018
A review of the process of dying and going through the Bardo.
Monthly Teaching for November 2013
Admonition to release repeating patterns of violence. Enlightenment revealed in practice of compassion and reverence for all beings.
Monthly Teaching for April 2007
Recommended Monthly Teaching December 2021
*To buy the PDF Transcript, click the white symbol after the MP3 to view the drop down menu.
2011 is year for transcending the mind and its projections. Perception colors everything; things are not as they appear; Lo Jung practice.
Monthly Teaching for January 2011
A teaching delving into the role of the chakras in spiritual evolution, which is to access and stabilize seven distinct levels of consciousness. These levels of awareness must be navigated in a fluid and graceful manner in order to realize enlightenment.
Recommended Teaching of the Month August 2021
A year-end review with focus on the devotional nature of Bodhichitta.
Monthly Teaching for December 2006
Piscean energies remain strong as the Aquarian Age is born. Humanity needs a stable foundation on which to build this new age.
Monthly Teaching for April 2014
An Evening With the Tibetan teaching December 2011. This teaching offers the student the invitation to give birth to Christ Consciousness within their own inner realms. It discusses the process of raising one's own inner divine child from infancy to maturity. The teaching contains a wonderful descriptions of the birth of Jesus and the birth of Buddha.
The Great Awakening is an 8-CD instruction and meditation course designed to awaken the spiritual student from the mental trances in which most people live. The power of this transformational series has made it one of our most popular courses throughout the world. This set has changed lives and opened minds to new realities. Topics include the mind, trance states, habits vs. conscious choice, karmic encoding, and liberating the mind.
Recorded in 2006
Lesson on pain: how people try to avoid it, and suggestions for learning to live with it.
Recorded on April 5, 2003
Powerful overview of unrest and change in 2015; tumultuous year equals planetary cry for peace and justice in 2016 as the world prepares for 2017 return of Buddha consciousness.
Monthly Teaching for December 2015
A call to use the fresh energies of a New Year to dismantle the climate of brutality on Earth and integrate history into a brighter planetary future.
Monthly Teaching for January 2016 and Recommended Teaching for January 2024.
Seeking the glowing presence of nonviolence and embracing the spirit of reconciliation is a profound gift of service to earth.
Monthly Teaching for March 2007
The responsibilities of spiritual aspirants are important at this creative and expansive time. Practice of Heart (or Bhakti) Yoga needed.
Monthly Teaching for September 2010
Recommended Monthly Teaching December 2022
Importance of an open, compassionate heart in difficult times; mastering neutrality; cultivating loving kindness; and appreciating goodness. The guided meditation version of this practice is titled Cultivating Loving Kindness Meditation.
Monthly Teaching for April 2011
Recommended Teaching of the Month for April 2021
Recommended Teaching for October 2024
A call to gratefulness practice that makes its way through some of the most searing realities of one’s “deep story.” This lecture reveals a new look at the potent creative force of the unconscious morphogenetic fields that shape our beliefs, decisions, and sense of ourselves.
Monthly Teaching for November 2017
Lesson on the emotional body, noting it is the last frontier in spiritual exploration and mastery.
Monthly Teaching for September 2003
A “part two” for last month’s teaching (“Ripening Global Karma at the Entrance of a New Age”), this lecture moves deeper into the topic of planetary initiation, and Master confronts us with the apparent crisis in international relationships and a question as to whether democracy will be dissolved with the dissolving of the Piscean Age, or be enlivened and rolled forward into the Aquarian Age.
Monthly Teaching for September 2018
A lesson on transforming the ego into a vaster identity aligned with a royal lineage, and worthy of ruling in the Palace of the Heart.
Monthly Teaching for December 2004
"All you need is love." Indeed, all there is is love. Introduction to Ho’oponopono practice.
Monthly Teaching for October 2006
In this remarkable book, Master Djwhal Khul lays out the dimensions of the mind in a coherent presentation unlike any other available today. Whether you approach the mind from a psychological basis, a spiritual perspective, or simply want fuller disclosure of how it perceives and creates, this book will provide amazing insights.
You will discover why those who have attained enlightenment all teach the critical necessity of training the mind as the only means to achieving lasting peace.
In collaboration with Kathlyn Kingdon, Master Djwhal Khul reveals that the keys to happiness lie within each of us, buried beneath our conditioning and false beliefs, which we mistake for reality.
Using this masterful guide, you will discover the importance of dissolving limiting emotional patterns and cutting through the web of illusion, which has held you prisoner in a cage of repeating patterns.
The Matter of Mind is an inspiring and lucid treatise created to help you navigate the labyrinth of your mind and open to the experience of your enlightenment. Published in 2007, it is hard to imagine reading this classic only once.
Chapter Titles:
- Mind as Tyrant
- Mind as Creator
- Karma and the Mind
- How Karma Works
- Mind as Liberator
- Working with the Mind
- From Emotional Reactivity to Enlightenment
- Assembling the Puzzle
- Death and the Mind
- Where is the Mind
The necessity for purifying the mind as we enter a New Age.
Monthly Teaching for May 2013
Deepening into the Great Mother will be the primary assignment for the coming age.
Monthly Teaching for January 2014
Global chaos calling for evolutionary transformation. Enlightenment occurs in sequential stages, which must be solidly in place and securely functioning.
Monthly Teaching for August 2015 and Recommended Teaching of the Month March 2023
The fourth teaching in Master’s ongoing instruction on a new spiritual paradigm for the Aquarian Age, this teaching focuses on the evolution occurring in both our Universe and our Galaxy. Master reveals how the activities going on in the cosmos can be instructional in terms of the ascension process.
Monthly Teaching for April 2019
How to recognize patriarchal mentality in your mind. How patriarchal mentality manifests. Attaining enlightenment in spite of patriarchy.
Monthly Teaching for May 2009
Examination of karma, how it prevents direct experiences with emptiness. Bakchaks are explained. This teaching includes a distillation of Buddha's teachings on the subtleties of karma.
Monthly Teaching for February 2008
A nursery rhyme example illustrating the power of the egos, and persistent search for approval.
Monthly Teaching for August 2003
What does it take for a mind to be set vibrating with happiness and gratitude? Gratitude as potent creative force; collapsing economies.
Monthly Teaching for November 2015
Lesson on lineages of dark and light goddess energies in First Ladies of the US from Eleanor Roosevelt to Ladybird Johnson.
Monthly Teaching for March 2009
A review of 2011 events and energies, and discussion of how they might influence the collective experiences of 2012.
Monthly Teaching for December 2011
We are in a time of waiting. Waiting, silence, void — part of remembering feminine energy and bringing the Divine Feminine and Masculine into balance.
Recorded on September 25, 1987
The primary reason for being human is to learn to cultivate bodhichitta and compassion. Enlightenment occurs like a flash of a thunderbolt.
Monthly Teaching for May 2007
Recommended Monthly Teaching September 2022
A two-part alchemical meditation set. Part one introduces the Conscious and Subconscious parts of the mind to each other. Please do this meditation at least 10 times before moving on to the second meditation in the set. Part two is The Union of the Opposites, the Marriage Ceremony Meditation.
For additional information about the alchemical process see the following teachings: Alchemy in the New Age and Alchemagination.
Recorded in 2014
A glimpse into Piscean values that have sought to create peace through conflict and war. Drawing upon the examples and teachings of both the Buddha and the Christ, Master reveals the direct route to achieving inner peace.
Monthly Teaching for July 2017
Recommended Teaching of the Month March 2021
Building enlightenment is like wealth building. Having a plan for enlightenment is building a plan for freedom.
Monthly Teaching for April 2005
Instruction on creating a planetary prosperity consciousness.
Monthly Teaching for October 2007
Lesson on making peace with the Mind. Mind training is imperative if one is to realize enlightenment.
Monthly Teaching for July 2006
The three little mountains are altruistic thought, all-embracing compassion, and transcendent wisdom. They ultimately replace needs for security, approval, and control.
Monthly Teaching for April 2003
This teaching invites the reader to expand their understanding of time. To imagine time at the planetary level. If you like this teaching you may want to listen to Master's June 2000 teaching on the subject of time.
Recorded in June 2013
A new way to look at time and consciousness; their relationship.
Monthly Teaching for June 2013
A lesson on projection, perception & experience; reveals how the mind forms beliefs, thoughts, and what percieved as "real."
Monthly Teaching for February 2003
Traces Arian thread through Piscean Age in patriarchal mentality; current world migration compared to that after WWII; must transcend "might-makes-right" mentality.
Monthly Teaching for February 2016
Transforming the Personality is a four-part meditation course designed to facilitate the evolutionary transformation from personality-centered consciousness to soul-centered awareness. This course is intended for daily spiritual practice. For best results, use headphones for these meditations, and do them in consecutive order, progressing from Meditation I through Meditation IV. For a two-sitting daily practice, spend one week with each meditation before progressing to the next level. For a practice of a single sitting each day, allow two weeks with each meditation for maximum results.
Recorded in 2015
Transforming the personality (Ego) into Essence. A predictive lecture, until the last quarter, which delves into the history of this country and why the karma of the last 200 years may now be ripening.
Monthly Teaching for November 2008
In a world ruled more by fear and hatred than love, we must return to our natural intelligence and self-correct the direction of our Earthship.
Monthly Teaching for November 2014
Recommended Monthly Teaching April 2022
Lesson on five states of awareness; main message is about living in dualistic world while maintaining state of highly engaged neutrality.
Monthly Teaching for January 2006
Exhortation to do the work for which all DK's students signed up, the work of transformation predicted for this new era.
Monthly Teaching for February 2013
Master offers a nutshell distillation of the Buddha’s teaching in light of the approaching 2017 Wesak celebration. He speaks of the “awakening mind of enlightenment,” and “Bodhichitta mind,” and links both to the cultivation and stabilization of inner peace. A sweet and comforting message at a time of global chaos and transition.
Monthly Teaching for April 2017
A lesson on the emotional spectrum, the apex of spiritual evolution. Question the validity of emotions unil seeing through them.
Monthly Teaching for December 2003
A timely teaching, and a call to mystical opening, which requires a commitment to Love. Recognizes Queen Elizabeth II as a master of mindfulness, and challenges us to a heightened level of spiritual engagement.
Recommended Monthly Teaching October 2022
Finding the present moment; history of women governors in US; problems caused by ambition for power; rise of terrorist warfare, and the need to find inner peace.
Monthly Teaching for February 2011
As the Age of Pisces ends, we are exiting a familiar reality. Must redefine what it is to be human in the Divine Feminine’s energy.
Monthly Teaching for December 2013
Aspirants reminded of responsibilities to participate in and appreciate the democratic process; are urged to be “guided by a profound connection to/with Gaia.”
Monthly Teaching for October 2010
Teaching on the effects of population density and psychic compression on rising levels of aggression, violence, and planetary evolution.
Monthly Teaching for August 2016
A fresh start for a new year. Creating a plan for releasing suffering.
Monthly Teaching for January 2004
This lecture provides many revelations as to the inner lives of plants, trees in particular. Maser reveals the beauty of their spiritual service as well as their ongoing contributions to the quality-of-life we humans enjoy and often take for granted.
Recommended Teaching of the Month for April 2024.