Abundance, Alchemy, Ascension
Abundance teachings cover how to move from the perception of lack to...
Balance, Compassion, Ego/Self, Enlightenment
Balance -How we must discover the incongruencies between our actions, words, thoughts, and...
General Spiritual Teachings
This group of teachings covers a wide variety of general spiritual topics...
Healing, Heart/Love, Inspiration, Karma
Healing - What it means to balance feminine and masculine sides. Living a...
Living/Dying, Masculine/Feminine, Mind
Living/Dying - Learn the the importance of regularly reviewing one's life — at...
New Age, Parable, Peace/War
New Age - 37 teachings covering topics like how energetic shifts made in clearing...
Spiritual Practice
This group of teachings explores topics such as generosity, purification, the "perfections," and...
This Months Featured Selections
One of the most profound ways to experience Master is through His...
Transformation Teachings
Transformation Teachings help students prepare for change by offering spiritual practices such...