I greet you with a bit of excitement this month. Master has created a new teaching for our study and contemplation. It is titled, The Power of Mantra. Unfortunately, I only learned He would be generating a new teaching three days ago, and although I worked very ardently to have it ready by the 1st day of July, this process just takes longer to accomplish than getting His suggestions for using a prior teaching.
To give you an idea of the behind-the-scenes activity for creating a new teaching, here are the steps. Master must first record the lecture (although He doesn’t get involved with any of the technical work, such as setting up and checking the equipment, attending to the acoustics, or doing the recording). Of course, the recording process is never a smooth, single pass. He seems to be polishing His lecture as He is giving it, and that can sometimes make for multiple stops and starts. When He is finished recording, the real work begins.
The next step for me is editing the recording to remove any false starts, environmental sounds, squeaky equipment, etc., as well as closing any little time gaps that may happen when He pauses mid-sentence. On a day when my allergies are acting up, I may also have to delete sections where I had to cough or clear my throat. When the editing is complete and we have a usable audio file, I listen to it slowly enough to be able to create a transcript, which often requires several hours. I listen for content, of course, but also for paragraph breaks. When I have a first draft, I then begin proofreading for typos or other typing glitches. Since I am often tired by the time I get to this stage, Rose Marie is kind enough to proof my work in the next step. In fact, she often listens to the entire lecture while proofing to be in-synch with Master’s gestalt.
When I’ve finished, the transcript is then sent from my computer to Rose Marie’s computer to be proofed and formatted, and a cover created and added. She has always been exceptionally generous to work on Master’s transcripts, even amid other scheduled activities and travel. When she has completed her magic, she forwards the finished product to Mariah who uploads it to the web store along with the audio file, and enters them both into the page for the monthly special.
Next, Master must generate the daily thoughts, and settle on the order in which He wants them to appear. I have learned that even Ascended Masters may need to change their minds from time-to-time. I type them into a spreadsheet template as He gives them to me, and afterwards, He may make changes in their order or wording as He sees fit. The spreadsheet is then sent to Mariah, who adds the individual thoughts to a template for uploading into a program that releases them each day.
Finally, I create the flier that announces the teaching for the current month, along with a description of it. When this document is completed, it also goes to Mariah and she then sets up the template for mass e-mailing from our Web database. There you have it—a behind the scenes look at creating a Teaching-of the-Month. As you can see, it is a fair amount of work, and we have been doing this over 30 years.
And now, a hint or two about this month’s teaching, The Power of Mantra. I think you will find this lesson quite interesting. In the first part, Master asks for our help in getting the new book (Whatever Happened to the New Age?) into the hands of the masses. Noting that we (his students) are his “hands and legs on the physical plane,” he speaks to the purpose of the book, showing how important it is for humanity as we enter the Aquarian Age. Here is the first paragraph on page 2:
"...whether all of you are conscious of this or not, it turns out that my mission is your mission. What I mean by that is, we (your higher selves and I) have joined forces to essentially “kick off” an enlightenment wave. You could say this is our gift to the Aquarian Age, or more specifically, to all those who now seek, or will seek, their enlightenment in this age. Actually, Vajra Flame and I have begun this process with the writing and publishing of Whatever Happened to the New Age? As many of you have seen, this is a sizable text, and its purpose is to facilitate the spiritual awakening of all who will muster the inner fortitude to do so."
This announcement should certainly give us something to contemplate. Master goes on to describe several examples for alchemical work, which he invites us to do individually and with our spiritual groups. Then, he notes that adding mantra practice to our visualizations will increase their potency, and this is where he launches off into a really interesting description of how a mantra works. He traces mantra use all the way back to the Vedic Masters of some 3,500 years ago, showing how their ancient knowledge of the power of sound became a root that sprouted in Hinduism, Buddhism, and to a lesser extent, even in Christianity. In revealing how mantras work, he explains how the sound vibration can energize prana, which may then be directed to accomplish a specific outcome. I found it all really interesting, and I hope all of you will too.
See you on the enlightenment wave,
To purchase the Recommended Monthly Teaching: The Power of Mantra
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