Personal Session Payment Option
Personal Session Payment Option
Optional choice for the customer to pay for a Personal Session. This payment option is offered for customers to use when their computer security system blocks them from using the Booking Calendar pop-up form.
You may use this payment option if you need to pay for a Personal Session and the Booking Calendar payment option is not functional on your computer.
If you pay for a Personal Session without selecting the Date and Time of the session, you will be contacted by email to arrange the date and time for your Personal Session.
If there are no open dates, your name will be added to the waiting list and you will be contacted by email when the next dates become available.
Email for more information on open or future dates.
In ancient spiritual traditions, the power of the direct energetic transmission from Teacher to student was recognized as the single most transformative experience available to an aspirant. For many today, a private session with Master DK proves to be exquisitely profound and often life altering.
Sessions are offered via telephone and run approximately 50 minutes. An MP3 recording of the session will be sent to you via e-mail. A single session costs $175.
Standard disclaimer: a personal session with Master DK should not be construed as professional advice for medical, psychotherapeutic, financial, or legal matters.