From Courage to Joy - Recommended Teaching August 2024

Dear Friends,

Here we are, entering the second month of 2024’s third quarter. Can you believe it? To say this year is passing quickly seems like such an understatement. There have been so many moments this year that could be deemed “wake-up calls,” that we may all be finding the unfolding of events to be a bit dizzying. Yet, with change happening at such a rapid pace, I suspect there will be many more. So, happy August, everyone, and may this be our month of awakening!

Master has generated another new teaching for this month that seeks to remind us of our true nature, and our current mission. He uses global politics as a backdrop for an interesting, if somewhat unconventional, lesson. It turns out that 2024 is a huge year for elections around the world. Potentially, some 2 billion people will have an opportunity to vote before the year is out, and Master asks us to pay attention to that fact. Generally, our awareness of such events is limited mostly to our own situations. I do tend to follow some elections around the world, but until Master noted this fact, it had not occurred to me that so many planetary citizens would be going to the polls this year, perhaps creating some type of critical mass. We can always count on Master to show us a vaster perspective.

I always find His remarks to be mind-expanding, even in addressing the more mundane levels of physical reality. Indeed, He sees everything through a spiritual lens. While we may think of voting as being part of our civic responsibility, Master clearly sees it as a spiritual responsibility to engage the WE. Most of us may not be able to hold the kind or neutrality that Master notes with regard to election outcomes. He calls us to remember that elections, too, are learning experiences. In this talk, He cites recent events here in the U.S. to remind us that, “Things change,” a line delivered to the child Dalai Lama by his teachers (at least, according to the film, Kundun).

Master closes this lesson contrasting the overall missions, or themes, of the Ages of Pisces and Aquarius. He reminds us of the importance of our collective spiritual mission, urging us to seek joy as we negotiate the rigors of this time. The daily thoughts for this month are centered on joy, and rather than dictating them as He usually does, Master has selected thoughts on joy offered by individuals well known to most of us. Enjoy!



To purchase the Recommended Monthly Teaching: From Courage to Joy
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