For the Love of Christ” teaching

I want to begin by welcoming all of you to 2022! May it be a year rich with spiritual growth and the distillation of beauty in our hearts, minds, and souls! May we realize the power of our collective force for goodness, decency, and mutual respect, for these are all attributes of the spiritual love we all surely seek to embody. Happy, happy New Year!

As I opened my computer to search for our first teaching for 2022, Master made the process exceedingly easy. Entering my digital lecture archive and asking His guidance, I heard, “December of 2014.” (Usually, He makes me work a little harder before choosing a teaching.) As I re-read the text, I was struck by how perfectly this teaching dovetails with the on-line course of the past two months. What’s more, the global energy we were facing at that time was nearly as intense as facing the global pandemic of this time.

This lecture (For the Love of Christ) is an amazing teaching. In it, Master begins by noting that 2014 was a year of observing the activities of “the death sorcerer.” Of course, we could certainly say that of the past couple of years, as well. He opens with one of his remarkable, nutshell versions of the events of 2014, and indeed, it was a complex and difficult year! Then, because the lecture was for the month of December, he treats the topic of realizing Christ Consciousness, or its equivalent in other traditions, but does not end there. He also treats the topic of the soul, esoteric Christianity, or his phrase, “Christian yoga,” and notes the mystical significance of some of Jesus’ teachings. He even treats the veiled reference to the seven chakras in the apocryphal writings of St. John.

This is a powerhouse of a teaching and a remarkable way to set the focus for our spiritual growth in 2022! In the past two days, I have read it three times, and listened to the full recording. It gives me courage to face another year, even another long, Covid winter. May it profoundly bless each and every one of you, as well.


To purchase the Recommended Monthly Teaching: For the Love of Christ “Click Here”

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